Not Just A Baby In A Manger
All parents dreams of what their child will one day grow to be. I am no different with my boys. What career will they choose? What about sports? Who will they marry? Parents usually have tremendous...
View ArticleA Wise Men History Lesson
Note: This post coincides with the idea of Epiphany, though it wasn’t my focus when I wrote the post. If you’d like to know more about Epiphany, check out this article: What is Epiphany / Three Kings’...
View ArticleDiligent, Peaceable & Occupied
The posts “Pursuing a Quiet Life” and “Balanced Goal Setting” give perspective on living out Paul’s directive for early Christians regarding focus and ambition. “Yet we urge you, brothers and sisters…...
View ArticleLearning Humility from an Astronaut
In “An Astronaut’s Guide to Life on Earth,” Col. Chris Hadfield says that in new situations, people are generally viewed in one of three ways. Based on their attitude and actions, they may be seen as a...
View ArticleBecoming A Defensive Christian
Defense Wins Championships Superbowl 50 brought a lot of controversy and drama. Fortunately, a good game took place too. In fact, the game produced one of the best defensive battles I’ve seen since I...
View ArticleAssessing Your Armor-Wearing Habits
Spiritual Heaviness About every other time I get my teeth cleaned, the hygienist takes x-rays of my mouth. Before she takes them, she puts a lead blanket over my torso to protect my vital organs from...
View ArticleObtaining & Maintaining A Strong Core
In general, people exercise for one reason — to be healthy. Many take that further and aim for higher levels of fitness and strength. In addition, the types of exercises undertaken are many and varied...
View ArticlePut Your Behind in the Past
In this scene, Simba finally moves forward after attempting to forget his past. He realizes forgetting is not only impossible, but doing so denies who he is as well as holds impact well beyond himself....
View ArticleStability Amidst Constant Change
Strange Things Are Happening Wrinkles. Slowing metabolism. Almost constant aches and pains. Physical changes resulting from aging. Driving. Dating. Independence. Teen boys growing into adults. Life’s...
View Article5 Ways to Upgrade Your Attitude
The word “upgrade” leaped to a whole new level in the world of marketing over the past several of years. When you go on a cruise to the Caribbean, you’re encouraged to “upgrade your diamonds.” At...
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